A couple of days ago, I found myself leaving my office a bit earlier than usual. The autumn afternoon was nothing short of stunning, basking in the warm sunshine with just a hint of an autumn breeze. My mind was set on a list of things to do once I got home – take the dogs for a walk, savor some time on my patio watching the birds, and revel in the outdoors. Little did I know that the afternoon train had other plans for me.

The Milan Train: A Town’s Daily Annoyance

The Milan train, as many locals would agree, has a knack for choosing the most inconvenient times to make its presence felt. It meanders through the heart of the town, making its way down the tracks at an agonizingly slow pace, sometimes even switching tracks to maximize our frustration. So, on that beautiful early afternoon, my anticipation of outdoor leisure came to a grinding halt as I approached the train. Traffic began to snarl, and I realized this was going to be one of those exasperating “hurry up and wait” moments, a scenario I was all too familiar with.

But beyond my annoyance, I couldn’t help but reflect on the more significant issue at hand. The Milan train’s antics often left emergency services like ambulances and fire/rescue teams stranded on the wrong side of the tracks, unable to reach those in dire need. It was no surprise that this daily inconvenience had earned the Milan train its reputation as a nemesis to the townsfolk.

Frustration and Realization: A Delayed Sunset

As I grumbled to myself, I joined the impatient ranks of drivers waiting for the train to clear the tracks. My precious free time outdoors was dwindling, and I couldn’t help but feel the loss. Yet, as evening descended, I stood in my front yard watering my mums and turned to the west, where the sky painted a breathtaking canvas of deep orange, red, purple, and pink. It was a sunset straight out of a postcard, a sight too gorgeous to miss. So, I swiftly whipped out my phone to capture the moment – after all, who can resist a beautiful sunset?

As I pocketed my phone and continued tending to my porch flowers, it dawned on me: if that train hadn’t disrupted my day, I would’ve missed this spectacular sunset. It hit me that while I was in a rush to get home, the universe, or perhaps a higher power, had a different plan for my day.

Divine Timing: A Deeper Perspective

Timing, it seems, is a constant presence in our lives, influencing each second. Now, I’m not suggesting that God gazes at a clock and thinks, “Oh dear, it’s 7:22 a.m. – Amy’s running late; better create a traffic jam.” No, it doesn’t work that way. But there have been times when minor inconveniences spared us from potentially dire circumstances.

For instance, one Sunday morning, as my husband, daughter, and I were en route to church, we realized Jason had left his cell phone behind. We decided to turn back, costing us precious minutes. As we approached the highway, we encountered a traffic snarl – an accident had just occurred, one we might have been caught in if we hadn’t turned around.

The Inescapable Influence of Time: Everyday Lessons

This morning, as I left for the office, a similar situation played out. I contemplated leaving early but chose to spend a few extra minutes playing fetch with my dog. Ten minutes down the road, I encountered flashing lights and damaged vehicles, with fire trucks, ambulances, and police officers aiding those involved in the accident. It struck me that, had I left on time, it could have been me.

Divine Protection in the Nick of Time

These incidents may seem like stretches to think that a higher power intervened, but are they? I believe the God I serve has a hand in every situation. His plan, though not always apparent at the moment, unfolds over time. So, why did He allow others to experience accidents instead of preventing them? Perhaps to divert them from more catastrophic fates. We don’t always see the whole picture, but God does.

A Precious and Unequal Commodity: Time

Time, a constant for all, differs in how it’s distributed among us. Some live long lives, while others are given a mere fraction of it. Why this unequal distribution? Because God doesn’t carry a pocket watch and doesn’t need our approval. He does, however, grant each of us the same 24 hours a day. It’s up to us to decide how to spend that time.

The Many Faces of Time: Reflections on the Clock

We often speak of “wasting time,” “spending time,” “buying time,” or how time can either fly or drag, depending on the situation. For children, Christmas seems an eternity away, while for adults, it comes around all too quickly. We hear the adage, “The days are long, but the years are short,” when raising children. Nights can feel endless when you have a baby, but in the blink of an eye, they’re graduating from high school or heading off to college.

A Challenge to Embrace Time: Making Every Moment Count

We must ask ourselves, is any time truly wasted? Some might view this blog as a use of time. But if just one person, spending five minutes reading it, feels less alone in their struggles, then no time has been wasted.

Many might argue that my past obsession with dieting was a waste of time. I regained the weight I had lost during recovery, and all those hours spent counting calories could never be reclaimed. But what did I learn during that time? I learned about my body’s incredible resilience and how it fought to survive when my mind wavered. I uncovered my strengths and weaknesses, identified my true friends, and recognized those who stood by me, supporting my journey.

The Power of Perspective in Time: God’s Perfect Plan

During my addiction, I also learned that I wanted to live, even when I teetered on the edge. God knew it wasn’t my time to jump. His plan for me and my recovery became more evident over time, and that’s what this blog aims to convey: the hope that it might help someone else.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 teaches us about time, emphasizing the seasons and timing for various purposes under heaven. Sometimes, it seems my timing is always out of sync with everyone else’s. When I need to mourn, others may want to celebrate. In times of tears, people around me might be laughing. When I wish to build, they insist on tearing it down. But our timing isn’t off. Our timing aligns with God’s plan, and we must accept that things happen for a reason. We never know how much time we have left, so it’s essential to use it wisely.

Accepting the Divine Flow of Time: Making the Most of Every Moment

So, I encourage you to spend your time purposefully. Please share it with those who support and care for you, not those who overlook you. Use your time to spread goodness and discard hate. If you’re battling grief, addiction, or anxiety, now is the right time to seek the peace you deserve. Our time to be born has passed, but it’s up to us to make the best of the time we have left, no matter how long that may be.


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