I know…I know I stole the title of this popular song to use as my blog title. But I have a good reason for doing so. I recently set a goal for myself to begin listening to more music that was faith-based. (Sidenote: If you have never incorporated Christian music into your rotation, I suggest you do so. It has done wonders for my mood and my outlook.) Of course, I added Mercy Me’s song “I Can Only Imagine” to my playlist. This song came out in October 2001 but still ranks among one of the most played songs on the charts, both on the Christian charts and the Pop charts.
A Glimpse into the Song’s Meaning
If you have never heard the song, let me briefly explain the meaning of the song. The song is sung from the viewpoint of someone having a discussion with Jesus. The singer confides in Jesus that they can only imagine what the day will be like when they finally find themselves face-to-face with their Savior. What would they do? How would they react? Would they dance and sing or simply stand in awe in the presence of Christ. I can only imagine.
Remembering Alyssa: Living the Song’s Message
Alyssa, our cousin’s 16-year-old daughter, who was like a daughter to us as well, died tragically in an automobile accident in 2018. If you have read any of our blogs, you have most certainly read about her and the effect her passing had on our family. But I want to paint a brighter picture for you regarding Alyssa and her passing.
Alyssa lived her life so that when her time came to leave this world, she would indeed be able to meet Jesus. After her death, her mother told me about numerous journals and writings she had found in Alyssa’s room describing her desires to meet Jesus. She wrote about it. She sang about it. She told everyone she met about it. And when her funeral began, and this song played, I thought to myself, she no longer must imagine what she will do when she meets Jesus. Now she knew. She was now in a place that we can only imagine for the time being. A place where she can walk hand in hand with Jesus.
Honoring Danny’s Journey
Three short years later, my father-in-law passed away. He had battled lung cancer for a couple of years and fought a hard battle in his last few days. When you are diagnosed with a disease like cancer, people often say things like “I Can Only Imagine” what you must be going through. When he passed away, people made those comments to us as we greeted people at the visitation. “I can only imagine how you must be feeling.” They meant well, but they could in no way imagine what it was like unless they too had experienced such events.
Danny loved this song as well and had always said he wanted it played at his funeral. His request was honored. Though he never really talked about his cancer much, I feel this song spoke differently to him. I feel he had reached a point where he could “only imagine” no more chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I feel he could “only imagine” no more pain as cancer was hard on his frail body. I feel he also could “only imagine” being whole again with no disease and no thoughts of the cancer that took him away from us. And like Alyssa, I feel he could “only imagine” how he would rejoice in the presence of Jesus.
From Addiction to Redemption
In addiction, we sometimes feel we can only imagine what a life without drugs, alcohol, or other addictions must be like. I know I reached a point where I could only imagine eating a meal without feeling guilty, without wanting to immediately throw up. I could only imagine loving myself again, the way God intended. But, I am here to tell you that you do not have to imagine what recovery and a life free from addiction feels like. You can know for sure how great it is to walk away from what is killing you into a place of hope. If God can rescue me, He can sure rescue you.
Maybe addiction is not something you suffer with, but maybe you have sin in your life that causes you to feel like you can only imagine what it will be like to enter Heaven. You do not have to take those sins with you to the grave. You do not have to imagine what Heaven will be like. You can know. We can help you with that also.
Hopeful Conclusion:
Our goal is to reach out to people who feel like they have no hope for a better tomorrow because of mistakes they have made in their past. We are here to tell you, we understand, and we want to make you understand that you are not alone in your battles. You do not have to imagine…you can know.