Author: Jason Marcle

To be honest, I haven’t figured everything out yet. I grapple with many unanswered questions and uncertainties. Recognizing the value of journaling as a way to navigate my thoughts and emotions, I’ve chosen to compile a list of my fears.  Change If there’s one word that tends to evoke negative emotions within me, it’s ‘change.’ I’m not referring to pocket change but rather the prospect of doing things in a new and unfamiliar way. I do recognize that not all change is detrimental; sometimes, it’s necessary. However, it’s the uncertainty of change that truly frightens me. I’ve been with the…

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Let’s begin with a few thought-provoking questions. Have you ever encountered the saying, ‘You are what you eat’? What about the notion that ‘You are what you think’? Perhaps you’ve been advised that your actions and thought patterns can be shaped by the company you keep. Do you believe that your preferences in music or television can exert an influence on you?  Beware of Deceptive Distractions: I’ve embarked on a quest for inner peace that’s been ongoing for some time now. Even before facing the recent trauma, I felt the need to seek solace. Numerous religious organizations preach about finding…

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In today’s world, it can be challenging to find moments of genuine listening amidst the constant noise. When you step into a store, you’re bombarded by a cacophony of sounds – music playing overhead, people talking on their phones, TVs in the background, and the myriad of surround sound and Bluetooth speakers being tested by customers. It’s an overwhelming sensory experience that can make it difficult to concentrate and truly listen. But the kind of listening I want to emphasize goes beyond this external noise. Beyond the clamor of the world around us, who are you really listening to? Are…

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One of the things I miss most about my dad is the daily conversations and the countless learning experiences we shared. I long to call him each day on my way home from work, eager to hear about the projects he was working on. He would inquire about Amy and my daughter, displaying a deep love for my family that words can’t truly capture. His absence has left a void that can never be filled. My dad wasn’t just a father; he was one of my best friends, and that unique bond can never be replaced. Discovering Dad’s Legacy in…

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If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps.” Alcoholics Anonymous. Page 58 Page 58 of the Alcoholics Anonymous book presents a profound question that transcends addiction and applies to anyone grappling with life’s challenges. Consider how this question might resonate with your own situation. Imagine a scenario: Your neighbor, Mr. Jones, has just acquired a sleek convertible sports car that you’ve always coveted. Are you prepared to go to any lengths to attain it? You’re faced with several options, each…

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I thought it best to start by sharing a bit about myself. I won’t delve into every detail, but I’ll give you a brief overview, perhaps painting a self-portrait of sorts. Hello, my name is Jason, and I welcome you all to dive into the ocean of my moments! Loss, Faith, and Sobriety: Within a year and six days, I experienced the loss of my father, my best friend, and my mother in that exact order. Seven months after my father’s passing and just three months after losing my best friend, I endured a nervous breakdown on New Year’s Day…

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Do you ever feel isolated, like there’s no one who truly understands your emotions? Are there topics that make you feel ashamed or embarrassed to discuss with others? Consider journaling as a valuable tool for managing anxiety. Regardless of your gender, journaling can benefit everyone. There are no strict rules; it’s a flexible tool for enhancing emotional awareness. Emerging from Darkness: A Journey Through Loss and Healing In my late teens, I battled depression. At 16, a close friend was tragically stabbed and thrown off a bridge into a river. A few months later, another friend lost his life in…

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Frequently, a sense of solitude creeps in on me during challenging days or moments of an emotional slump. The urge to delve into this topic arises from the certainty that countless individuals share this very sentiment. Penning down these thoughts holds the potential to champion mental wellness, extending a reassuring hand to kindred spirits such as yourself, making it crystal clear that the path you tread is shared by many. The Concealed Pain of Isolation & Addiction: In the early days of my marriage, I grappled with a consuming solitude as Amy battled her eating disorder. Our once-shared haven transformed…

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The term “recovery” encompasses a wide spectrum, often associated with individuals turning away from addiction or healing from various health conditions such as injuries or surgeries. It’s crucial to recognize that addiction isn’t a conscious choice, even though the initial decision to use a substance might have been. Have you ever wondered why some people can consume alcohol daily for years and then quit without difficulty while others find it impossible to stop without assistance? The latter group might possess a genetic predisposition that the former doesn’t share. This condition is sometimes likened to an allergy to the substance. Despite…

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What does it mean to forgive? Have you ever been on the humbling side of an apology, seeking someone’s forgiveness? The notion of forgiveness – oh, it’s a double-edged sword that cuts deep. Confession time: It’s a subject that digs into my vulnerabilities. Apologizing is a tough act, and accepting my own wrongdoing? That’s like swallowing glass. But let’s flip the coin – forgiving those who’ve hurt us or our loved ones? That’s a beast of its own. A Rent-Free life beckons – not just forgiving others but granting ourselves the same grace. Forgiveness on a Spectrum: Now, let’s dive…

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